f-planning co.,ltd.

We are doing Assembly,Electronics,Adjustment and Quality control in processing of semiconductor wafer cleaning system manufacturing.

The high quality of a precision instrument is guaranteed by our technology and experience.
Moreover, “contract service” was added to work content from this term.

Our Company’s Principles

“We advance things with customer as the spot takes the lead. ”
“Run of the coexistence” and “Faith and Trust are benefit”.


Sort:Clearing the work area
Set in Order:Designating locations
Shine:Cleanliness & workplace appearance
Standardize:Everyone doing things the same way
Sustain:Ingraining the 5S’s into the culture

Liquid crystal Board Conveyance Case Manufacture

Internal adhesion particle is the most important in conveyance case manufacture of a liquid crystal photomask. owing to some dust, the photomask is polluted and use becomes impossible.

Based on an original track record, it is about the process,and taking from manufacture to shipment in HINO factory.

Company Information

Business Name: f-planning co.,ltd.
Business Address: Shiga, Japan

Company Overview

■ SemiconductorEquipment(Wafer Cleaning System)
・Quality control
■ Liquid crystal Board Conveyance Case Manufacture
■ General Worker Dispatching Undertakings


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